District Nurse
PHONE: 513-875-5070
EMAIL: tracianne.johnson@fpls.us
I have been a Registered Nurse for over 30 years. I first started my career at The Christ Hospital and moved into my career at Fayetteville-Perry Local School District in 1994 as District School Nurse. I received my nursing training at The Christ Hospital School of Nursing, University of Cincinnati and Wright State University. I have lived in the Fayetteville community for over 23 years. I provide health services for students in grades K – 12. I have two clinics within the district, the Elementary clinic serves K - 5th grades and the Middle school clinic serves 6th - 12th grades. Some of my responsibilities include monitoring health records including immunizations; performing vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings; medication administration; first-aid and medical advice to students, their parents and staff, and staff trainings. I am committed to meeting the daily health care needs of students as well as the educational and long term care needs associated with chronic illnesses. I deal with chronic conditions such as Type 1 Diabetes, Asthma, Anaphylaxis and Epilepsy on a daily basis. I collaborate with all staff members and parents/guardians. I strive for the well-being of all students and pride myself with keeping children healthy, safe and ready to learn. It is my goal to be a resource to parents and a partner to health care providers in our community. I function as an advocate for students in the educational setting, focusing attention on students’ physical health and wellness, as well as their mental, social and emotional well-being.