1/23/2025 Fayetteville Middle School Announcements
Good Morning
We want to remind students to keep their lockers locked at all times. We will start assigning detentions this week.
We will finish MAP testing this morning - After MAP testing we want all students to complete a short survey. Mrs. Calvert the link was sent to students email this morning.
We want to wish good luck to the girls Basketball team and the 7th and 8th grade boys teams as they will host Fairfield this evening. Girls games will start at 4:30 with the boys to follow.
Hoagie day is this coming Tuesday, we are taking pre-orders today and tomorrow during lunches. Cost is $4.
The Drama Club will present “It’s a Wonderful Life” this Sunday, one show only at 3:00 pm. In the Cafeteria. Hope to see everyone there