7th Grade Volleyball @ Eastern. Won the first set! Go Lady Rockets!

Our Rockets gearing up for another great day at Fayetteville-Perry High School with a quick temperature check as part of our continued safety efforts! We love hearing "NORMAL TEMPERATURE" each morning! Keep up the good work, Rockets!

⚽Tonight HS Soccer (9/16) @ Peebles...Spectators will need to bring their own chairs.
Areas inside the fence around the track are marked with a strip green tape for social distancing.
As with other league soccer games, visitors get 2 tickets per player.

The fourth graders got to "visit" the Graeter's Ice Cream Production Facility today with B105's Big Dave show! They had a virtual field trip to see where the ice cream is made, and learn information about the famous products and ask Chip Graeter questions about the company.

Wash those Mask!
Please remember that reusable masks should be washed regularly. Please click on the link below for information on washing mask.

Students in Mrs. Mullis’ Advanced English 10 class race to see who can break out of the Parts of Speech Digital Escape Room first!

🏐Lady Rockets HS Volleyball game @ Manchester will be broadcasted live on C103fm Radio tonight at 7pm.

🏈9/18/2020 HS Football - tickets for this week will be on sale in the HS Office Wed. & Thurs. 7:30am-3:15pm ONLY. Senior participants will be allotted 4 tickets each to purchase, all other HS Football Players,HS Fall Cheerleaders,HS Band Members will be allotted 3 tickets.

Please click on link below for BOE Public Participation.
Tim Carlier
Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools

🏈Drew Hendrix & Jayden Bradshaw have been nominated for MaxPreps OHIO HS Athletes of the week! Follow this link to vote- unlimited voting!

Parent/Guardian, I want to remind you that the USDA has approved a waiver for all students in the Fayetteville-Perry School District to receive free breakfast and lunch until December 31, 2020 or until program funds are no longer available.
If any of the Rocket Remote Learning Students would like to take advantage of this opportunity, you must call or email, Food Service Coordinator, Cindy Phillips at 513-875-5096 or email me at cindy.phillips@fpls.us.
Pick-up will be on Tuesday's, 9-10 a.m. behind the elementary cafeteria.

Fayetteville Athletics would like to give a big THANK YOU to all of our student athletes, parents, and families for your support during the first few weeks of games. As most of you know, last Friday OHSAA sent out an inspector (just 1 ). We are very pleased to say that our district did an excellent job! Working together we are ensuring our student athletes keep getting the opportunity participate in athletic competitions. Thanks again, keep it up and....AS ALWAYS...GO ROCKETS!💚🚀


⚽HS SOCCER UPDATES- tonight @ Blanchester each player is allotted 3 tickets. Game for tomorrow (9/15) is cancelled, it will be rescheduled for a later date. North Adams game has been rescheduled for this Sat. 9/19 @ 10am. SENIOR NIGHT will be Mon. Oct. 10th !

8th grade girls in action against Milford. Go Rockets!

7th and 8th grade volleyball teams in action today against Milford

Half time Rockets up 13 to 0 against East Clinton. Go Rockets!

This is a reminder on Monday, September 14th, students are on a 1-hour delay schedule. This includes students who are attending Southern Hills Career Technical Center and Challenge students who attend Southern Hills Career Technical Center. Have a good weekend, and as always....Go Rockets!
Tim Carlier
Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools

School Picture Day
Fayetteville Middle School and High School students will have pictures taken on Tuesday September 15, 2020.
Southern Hills Career and Tech students pictures will be taken beginning at 7:00 am. in the High School gymnasium. The bus to the SHCTC will be delayed in order for those students to get pictures taken.
Senior pictures will be taken from 7:00am. to 8:00am. Senior girls please wear a nice top and boys a shirt and necktie.
Students attending CCP full time feel free to stop in anytime before 10:30 am. for pictures.
Rocket Remote students please come in for pictures from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Middle school students enter through the Middle School gym foyer and High School students enter through the High School gym doors.
Families may order pictures online if you choose at mylifetouch.com. For Middle School students use the picture day ID: EVTW73JMT and High School students use ID: EVT7QBXNQ.
Feel free to call the school office with questions.
And as always….Go Rockets!
Principals Mr. Herron and Mr. Wallace

🏐Congratulations Varsity Lady Rockets Volleyball team on their win vs Peebles tonight!