Hello there! This is Mrs. McFarland, Computer Keyboarding/Technology teacher for grades K-5. I just happened upon a great social studies website called MISSION US. https://www.mission-us.org/ It's an interactive way to learn US history. It looks like it would be appropriate for Grades 4 and up. You will have to choose a username and password to log in. Listed are the historical missions: --“For Crown or Colony?” puts players in the shoes of a printer’s apprentice in 1770 Boston, where they encounter Patriots, Loyalists, and the Boston Massacre. --In “Flight to Freedom,” players take on the role of an enslaved 14-year-old girl who escapes to Ohio and discovers life in the “free” North is dangerous and difficult. --In “A Cheyenne Odyssey,” players become Little Fox, a Northern Cheyenne boy whose life is changed by Westward Expansion. --“City of Immigrants” casts players as a Russian Jewish teen who immigrates to New York City in 1907 and becomes part of a growing labor movement. --In “Up from the Dust,” players navigate the challenges of the Great Depression and Dust Bowl as teenage twins struggling to keep their family wheat farm afloat.
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. McFarland
Parents of an Open Enrollment Student, This is a reminder to complete and return the Open Enrollment Application for your child to attend 2020-2021 school year as soon as possible. The Open Enrollment Application must be completed each year. You may click the link below for the Open Enrollment Application or may pick up a paper copy at the MS Foyer or the Board of Education Office Outside Box. You may email completed Open Enrollment Application to debbie.crone@fpls.us or drop it off at the Board of Education Office Black Drop box. Thank you for your time! Tim Carlier FPLS Superintendent
almost 5 years ago, Tim Carlier - Superintendent
High School Students: Remember to pre-order your 2019-2020 Yearbooks at the Link Below. The cost will go up next week! https://wpcgo.yearbookforever.com/qxGE8
almost 5 years ago, Miah Call
Congratulations to Nathan Deininger and Makhayla Icard for scoring highest in the Senior class on the Americanism Test. The American Legion Auxiliary presented them with a Certificate and $50 Cash Prize. Top underclassmen who will recieve a certificate upon returning to school are 11th graders David Henges and Audrey Wiederhold, 10th graders Jeremiah Shiveley and Gracie Schnelle and 9th graders Atticus Cole and Morgan Cole. Congrats to all! -Mrs. Allender
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Allender
Rocket Family: Just reminder that all work is to be completed by the end of the day and turned into the teachers through class Teams, Google classroom or the drop-box in the school foyer. If you cannot get work to the office today, please call the office to make arrangements for drop-off. Just a reminder that all Laptops and chargers for all students grades 5 -12 will need to be returned so that the technology department can perform needed updates to the laptops during the summer. ** Students should save everything from the laptops to their One – Drive, or it will be lost.** Laptop, textbook(s), library books, and teacher novel drop off for grades 5 -12 will be May 18th 8:30 – 11:30 A – L 12:00 – 3:00 M –Z May 19th 8:30 – 11:30 M – Z 12:00 – 3:00 A – L Students will be able to pick up personal items left in lockers and art projects during this time. Schedules request for next year, grades 8 - 11, will also need to be dropped off at this time. Students will enter the south entrance of the middle school gymnasium door number 11 and exit through the annex hallway doors. Please practice social distancing at all times while on the school grounds for your safety and the safety of others. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the MS office at 513-875-2829, HS office at 513-875-3520 or the ES office at 513-875-2083 . Thank you and As Always … Go Rockets. James Herron - Fayetteville-Perry Middle School Principal
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
8th grade math students all assignments are due by 5/13. You can do this!
almost 5 years ago, Sheri Bryant
Parent/Guardian, This is a reminder of the FPLS meal pick-up and delivery tomorrow, May 12th, 2020. Meal pick-up is from 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. behind the elementary cafeteria. Deliveries will be from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. and please have your animals put away so our drivers may safely drop off the meals. Also, for the safety of all individuals, we want to continue the practice of social distancing. Thank you, have a great day, and as always.....Go Rockets!
almost 5 years ago, Tim Carlier - Superintendent
Scheduling information for FHS 2020/2021 Freshmen is now available. All incoming freshmen need to review the information, create a hand-written schedule, and turn it in on 5/18-5/19. Read all info closely! Email heidi.greco@fpls.us for details. Visit:https://5il.co/g1fu
almost 5 years ago, Heidi Greco
HIGH SCHOOL: 2020-2021 Scheduling information for students 9-11 is now available. All students need to review the information, create a hand-written schedule, and turn it in on 5/18-5/19. Read all info closely! Email heidi.greco@fpls.us for details. Visit: https://5il.co/g0zv
almost 5 years ago, Heidi Greco
CCP Students: All CCP textbooks should be turned in on the Laptop return days (May 18th and 19th). There will be a table set up in the Middle School Gym labeled "CCP Textbooks". Be sure you turn them in then, or you will be charged for the textbook. DO NOT TURN CCP BOOKS INTO THE OFFICE OR LIBRARY PRIOR TO MAY 18-19th.
almost 5 years ago, Heidi Greco
FPHS students this is a reminder, as you know today, May 8, is the last day of assignments for this school year. All completed work and assignments are to be submitted to teachers on or before Wednesday May 13. Students that are working on PEAK online classes have until Friday May 15 to finish classes. It is important that all assignments and online classes are completed and submitted on time. Have a good weekend and as always...Go Rockets! FPHS Principal Rodney Wallace
almost 5 years ago, Rodney Wallace
Congratulations to Fayetteville FFA members Cheyenne Adkins, Griffin Brinkman, Kelby Craig, and Hunter Jester for being recognized for earning the Ohio FFA State Degree during the Ohio FFA Celebration today! Congratulations!
almost 5 years ago, Nathaniel Birkhimer
Fayetteville FFA state degree winners
🌼Don't forget your flowers today! 🌻Come out and support our PTO at John's Flowers from 9am to 7pm!
almost 5 years ago, Angela Murphy, HS Track & Field Coach
Today's Senior Spotlight is Megan Sword. Megan will be pursuing her dreams of becoming an SFX makeup artist by attending the Vocational Academy of Makeup and Prosthetics in Orlando, Florida after graduation. She looks forward to moving closer to the ocean and hopefully, working at Universal Studios while she studies. Megan says, "I would like to give a special thanks to Mrs. Sawyers for being my biggest supporter when it comes to my art and future! I appreciate her immensely! and love her dearly!" Congratulations, Megan. We are so proud of you! Keep up the great work, and, as always, GO ROCKETS!
almost 5 years ago, Heidi Greco
🌼Don't forget your flowers today! 🌻Come out and support our PTO at John's Flowers from 9am to 7pm!
almost 5 years ago, Angela Murphy, HS Track & Field Coach
PTO Flower Sale
Parents: If you or your student in 7th or 8th grade picked up a packet for week seven in the school lobby, we made a mistake when putting the packet together and only half of the English assignment was placed into the packet. Please come back to the school and pickup the 2nd half of the English assignment for week 7. Sorry for the inconvenience. Mr. James Herron.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
The Fayetteville FFA has been named a Gold Rated FFA chapter by the Ohio FFA! Thank you to everyone for the continuous support of our chapter and all the hard work by the FFA officer team and members!
almost 5 years ago, Nathaniel Birkhimer
Gold rated FFA Chapter
Congratulations to Fayetteville FFA members Lilly Beebe, Griffin Brinkman, and Kennedy Short as they are recognized during the Ohio FFA Celebration for earning Gold Ratings on their FFA Officer books! You all worked very hard and it shows! Awesome job!
almost 5 years ago, Nathaniel Birkhimer
Kennedy Short
Lilly Beebe
Griffin Brinkman
Congratulations to Fayetteville FFA members Lilly Beebe and Jami Brossenne as they were Ohio FFA Proficiency Award finalists! Lilly placed 2nd in the state in the area of Fruit Production and Jami placed 4th in the state in the area of Nursery Operations. Congratulations to you both!
almost 5 years ago, Nathaniel Birkhimer
Lilly Beebe placing
Jami Brossenne placing
Vacant Coaching positions for 2020-2021 are now posted on our Athletics website...https://www.fpls.us/o/fayetteville-perry-athletics/page/job-opportunities--114
almost 5 years ago, Angela Murphy, HS Track & Field Coach