Today's Fayetteville-Perry Senior Spotlight is Jillian Korte.
Jillian is planning on attending Thomas More University to study General Psychology. She will use her degree to pursue her career in mental health counseling. Good luck in all you do, Jillian! We are so proud of you, and, as always, GO ROCKETS!

Here is a little Spring Break fun: FIELD DAY! As we are unsure if we will be able to have Field Day at school this year Creativity Corner created a list of at home Field Day Activities. Check it out! https://creativitycorner20.blogspot.com/ Happy Spring Break Rockets!

Since the school closure has been extended through May 1 we will be unable to hold the Fayetteville High School Prom on April 25 as originally planned. Our hope is to reschedule and have Prom at a later date but this decision and details must wait until we know about school reopening.
As far as graduation is concerned we will at some point have a graduation exercise for seniors. Once again the time and date will depend on when we can reopen school. Stay tuned for updates on both.

Rocket Family, as we end the first three weeks of on-line learning, we want to make sure that all students have been in contact with their teachers. This is imperative for students to maintain an open line of communication with their teachers, either through email, Teams chat, or phone calls to the school. If you call the Middle School office and leave a message for a teacher, I will make sure the message is relayed to the teacher. An open line of communication will keep the confusion and anxiety of our students at a minimum. Just a reminder that all work for students should be listed on the teacher’s webpage. If you are having issues finding the teachers page, please click on the following link to the Fayetteville staff page- https://www.fpls.us/o/fp/staff. Staff are listed alphabetical and the teacher’s webpage is located under the teacher’s email address. Please have your student check in with his/her teacher’s on a regular basis. Any student who is working on paper packets, those need to be returned to the office and new packets for the weeks of April 13th, 20th & 27th are now available in the office. Please schedule a time to come to the middle school office to pick up the new work. Please encourage your student to keep up with the work. When we return to on-line learning on April 13th, after next week’s break, there will be a drop box placed in front of the Middle School doors, for students to turn in completed work. The work will then be scanned and emailed to the teachers. This will allow students to drop off work anytime, and not have to schedule a time to drop off work.

I want to remind you that next week is our scheduled Spring Break for students. Please take some time to get away from all the academics and enjoy your family and the good weather. As our lives in education are changing each day, our goal is to accommodate and communicate with you parent/guardian of the school districts action plan(s). Have a good day, and as always....GO ROCKETS!
Tim Carlier
Superintendent of Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools

Our first Senior Spotlight is Bella Durham. Bella is planning on attending The Ohio State University to pursue a degree in Human Nutrition. She plans on getting her Masters in Dietetics and becoming a registered dietitian.
Some comments from Bella:
I want to thank all of my teachers for pushing me and helping me succeed throughout high school. Also, to my school who allowed to me to get a college experience/college credits before graduating, so I was prepared for life after high school!
We are proud of you and all of your accomplishments, Bella! As always, GO ROCKETS!

Fayetteville-Perry High School is so proud of our seniors, and we want to highlight the awesome students that represent our Class of 2020! For the next few weeks, I will be posting pictures and profiles of our seniors. Keep an eye out! Seniors--be sure you send me your profile!

Please read the following letter from Beacon Orthopaedics...
Here is the link to their site: https://www.beaconortho.com/COVID19/

Please read following letter from Beacon Orthodpaedics to our district. Here is a link to their site: https://www.beaconortho.com/COVID19/

Spring is here and the bees are buzzing! Time for a little Bee-Search project. Click the link to get started!

From all of us at the elementary, "We Miss You!"

Check out our new Artist Study of James Brunt at Creativity Corner! https://creativitycorner20.blogspot.com/

March 19th Board of Education Meeting is rescheduled for Thursday, April 2nd, 10 am. However this Board Meeting will be a Virtual Board Meeting and public participation will not be available due to COVID-19. As done in the past, the Board Meeting Summary will be posted on the District Website. Thank you.

As stated from Governor Dewine, the "Stay at Home" order has been extended to May 1st and distance learning will continue for Fayetteville-Perry Schools. Teachers will be working to gather lessons and assignments to upload onto their teacher page for the extended time.
Also, as many families may of not qualified for Free or reduced meals, some may qualify due to loss of employment or have a change in financial status due to COVID-19. Please help us help you, we are looking into a Summer Meal Program but do not qualify at the moment by 10%.Please complete the online form on our school-district website. Go to Menu, scroll down to District and click on "Free and Reduce Application". Click on "Apply Now". It takes about 5 minutes to complete and your information is assessed by one Food Service Supervisor. It is totally confidential. If we can reach the 50% threshold, we will be able to provide meals for students this summer! I understand it is challenging right now and your kids, our students, may be bouncing off the walls, but please hang in there. We do what is needed, we will get through this and be able to move forward. Please enjoy your Tuesday, and as always.....GO ROCKETS!

Tomorrow, March 31st, we will continue with our Meal Pick-Up and Delivery for 5 days worth of meals. However, due to the outbreak of the COVID-19, we will have only one pick-up location, that will be at the back of the Elementary Cafeteria. Parents will need to pull into the driveway between the HS and Elementary Buildings. You will need to tell us how many students, give your last name, you will need to get out of the vehicle and pick up the order at the table. Our staff will not be able to open vehicle doors.This will allow for social distancing. If you are someone who has not taken advantage of the meal program and would like to pick up, you will need to call Mrs. Phillips at 513-875-5096. We are going to continue to deliver as in the past with ones who we have confirmed but cannot take on anymore deliveries at this time. Pick-up time will be 9:30-11am. Deliveries will be from 9-11am. Also, due to next week being the scheduled Spring Break, we are unable to offer meals. If you have further questions or want to cancel your delivery, please call 513-875-4500. Thank you!

Before school closed, the middle school technology club began competition in the Esports Ohio League. Members of the esports team compete against schools across Ohio in two games- Rocket League & Fortnite. The club, led by Mr. Jason Basford has 13 members in 7th and 8th grades.

Congratulations to Gavin Nance, 8th grade student in Mr. Basford's Information Technology class for being named Virtual Technology Student of the Month. Gavin is creating a model of the high school and middle school in SketchUP for Schools as one of his projects. Great job Gavin!

High School Students and Parents: Visit the link to view the Fayetteville-Perry High School Morning Announcements Monday March 30, 2020.
Have a great day, and, as always... GO ROCKETS!

Scholastic now has 3 weeks of science and social studies lessons for grades prek-9! Each lesson includes an online book, video, links to more information and activities. Click this link for more details. https://5il.co/ebc6
Mrs. Hamilton Science k-2

Are you wanting to make some extra money this Summer or throughout the year? Or just want to better understand your favorite sport? Check this out, it might be just what you have been looking for.