Youth Night at Rocket Stadium
over 5 years ago, Tim Carlier - Superintendent
Youth Night
Reminders: Elementary picture day is tomorrow. Also, please turn in the "Bring a friend to breakfast" forms ASAP if you plan to participate. Questions? Call the elementary office at 875-2083. And, as always, Go Rockets!
over 5 years ago, Aric Fiscus
🏐SCHEDULE CHANGE! Today's volleyball game at Cincinnati Country Day will be a Varsity only game with a start time of 6:00 p.m. bus will leave at 4:30 p.m..
over 5 years ago, HS Secretary
Separate this?!
over 5 years ago, Mrs.Darlyne Crawford
What are their individual properties?
Separating salt from water?
Vacuum filtrating
Lady Rockets 🏐 lost to Manchester in 4 sets.
over 5 years ago, HS Secretary
Varsity 🏐lost 2nd set....onto 3rd set!
over 5 years ago, HS Secretary
HS Volleyball
Varsity 🏐 won 1st set!
over 5 years ago, HS Secretary
Tomorrow night is HS ⚽️Soccer KICK FOR A CURE! Game starts at 4:30 vs Blanchester with boys playing 1st. Here are some of the items for sale, donated by Princess Primatives.
over 5 years ago, HS Secretary
Hope pumpkin
Princess pumpkin
Cancer Pumpkin
Rocket Pumpkin
HS Volleyball at Manchester.
over 5 years ago, HS Secretary
HS Varsity Volleyball
HS Volleyball
HS Volleyball
HS Boys Soccer vs Fairfield
over 5 years ago, HS Secretary
HS Boys Soccer
Lady Rockets win over Fairfield 2-1.
over 5 years ago, Mathew Frump
Rockets Win!
We welcome Mrs. Rachel Cline to Fayetteville-Perry Elementary as our long-term substitute art teacher for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Mrs. Cline has over ten years experience as a K-12 art at St. Louis and Lynchburg-Clay. Welcome Mrs. Cline.
over 5 years ago, Aric Fiscus
Mrs. Cline
6th grade permission slip and money for the field trip is due Wednesday, October 2.
over 5 years ago, Resheena Fehring
permission slip
FPLS: Staff & Parents, I hope everyone enjoyed their time off at the Fair or with Family and Friends! This is a reminder that school will be in session tomorrow, September 30th, 2019. Have a good evening, and as always......... GO ROCKETS!!
over 5 years ago, Tim Carlier - Superintendent
This is a reminder that High School Parent Teacher Conferences are Wednesday, October 2nd from 4 to 7 pm. Please call the High School office tomorrow to schedule. 875-3520 Have a great day and As Always Go Rockets!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Allender
Rockets win
over 5 years ago, Rodney Wallace
Rockets win!
Rockets pull out the Win over Batavia!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Allender
Rockets Win!!
14-14 at Half. Let's Fight Rockets!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Allender
14-14 at Half.  Let's Fight Rockets!
First quarter Rockets 8 to 0. Go Rockets!
over 5 years ago, Rodney Wallace
Rockets 8 to 0 end of first quarter.
Come on out and enjoy the game! 7:00pm kick off @ home vs Batavia.
over 5 years ago, HS Secretary
Varsity Football